All right. If not we have gone to the same place I could not believe all the lies that I have read and understood er of Casiano .
Porque eso de que te digan que las nubes cantan y los pajaritos se levantan y una sartén de tonterías como iban contando todo el día estos dos anormales no es ni normal. Todo lo que cuentan de forma tan bucó-alcohó-lica es fruto de su vientre y del efecto del tinto de esas tierras, fuerte y duro como él solo.
Because that of being told that clouds the birds sing and rise and a pan of nonsense like all day were telling these two abnormal is neither normal . All you have so so bucóalcohólica is the result of his twenty and the effect of red of such land , strong and tough like himself.
Extremadura es una tierra de conquistadores, de acuerdo. Pero ya no están. Yo no hay ni conquistadores ni conquistados. Estar allí viendo campana sobre campana y sobre campana las seis y las siete y después las ocho es un tostón. No me había aburrido más en todos los días de mi vida. Ni un chiringuito, ni un local dalterne, ni ná de ná. A las 9 de la noche las ovejas a dormir y beeee, todos éramos ovejas.
Extremadura is a land of conquerors , agreed. But they are no longer . I there is no conquerors or conquered. Be there watching bell on bell bell and six and seven and then eight is a suckling pig . There was not boring me all the days of my life. Not a bar, or a local dalterne , nor na na . At 9 pm the sheep to sleep and beeee , we were all sheep.
Estos dos parasubnormales der Casiano y El entendío no pensaban más que en comer y por eso les habrá gustado tanto, sa pasaban la vida en un pienso y es claro que si hay pienso luego existo. Su existir se limita a comer y a beber.
These two parasubnormales der Casiano and thought he understood no more than eat and be liked so much , sa spent their lives in feed and it is clear that if there think therefore I am . Its existence is limited to eat and to drink .
Still lifes that describe so lovingly exist only in their heads , semi-abandoned villages of those that the British are buying three pounds, beauty is relative but boring hours were absolute . I no longer go with these people. Ian Guahson .