Escuchando a Pablo Ibáñez descubrí unos versos de Rafael Neruda que decían lo corto que es el amor y lo largo que es el Olvido. Imagino que D. Rafael no conocía a la Olvido de Toledo y lo diría por el olvido en sí.
Sin embargo yo estoy que no me hallo. Nevertheless I am that I am not situated. Le he echado de menos en cada momento. I him have missed in every moment. Desde Alborán no recibo más que Palos. From Alborán I do not receive any more than Sticks.
I try To forget You Following the route of a wounded bird I Try To move away From those places where we loved ourselves Me enrredo in loves, without desire or forces for seeing if I forget you And the night comes and again I understand that I need you. Lo que haría, porque estuvieras tú, porque siguieras tú conmigo. Lo que haría, por no sentirme así, por no vivir así, perdido. What it would do ... for that you were your, for that you were following your with me what it would do ... for not feeling this way, for not living like that ... lost what it would do ... for that you were your, for that you were following your with me what it would do ... for not feeling this way, for not living like that ... lost.
En mis ojos acabados hay un inmenso vacío, el aire de leyenda...
In my finished eyes there is an immense emptiness, the air of legend...
Cuando peor estaba ha entrado con los viernes flamencos un tal Agujetas que se ha puesto a cantar rumbas como un descosío. Si para apagar tus penas necesitas tomar vino, no lo hagas buen amigo, no sirve de ná. If to extinguish your sorrow you need to take wine, do not do it good friend, it does not serve of ná. Al final ha preparado un canuto y nos hemos hechos muy amigos. Ultimately it has prepared an internode and we have made ourselves very friends. Me he puesto mi sombrero de Havana y hemos hecho una conga cantando amigos para siempre lalalalalalala.
I have put on my Havana's hat and we have made a conga singing friends forever lalalalalalala.
Soy feliz otra vez y vivo la vida, bay bye Raffaela. I am happy again and live through the life, bay bye Raffaela.